Here are a couple of the variations I used and some other cards from the July output. 7 in all.
1. Stampin' Up (SU) cardstock in sahara sand and mint macaron. Patterned paper from stash. Couture Creations die - popped. Metallic gold cardstock from stash. Various single hole punches.
2. SU cardstock in real red and certainly celery. Patterned paper from stash. Couture Creations die - popped. Sentiment cut from DSP. Red gems from stash.
3. SU cardstock in real red, gumball green and whisper white. Patterned paper from stash. Couture Creations die - popped. Red gems from stash.
4. SU cardstock in certainly celery and whisper white. Cuttlebug ' swiss dots' embossing folder. Couture Creations die. Gold foil from stash. Various sizes of single hole punch. Topper from magazine freebie.
6. SU cardstock in primrose petals and certainly celery. Gold foil from DCWV. Cuttlebug 'snowflakes' embossing folder. Cardstock topper from a magazine freebie.
7. SU cardstock in whisper white and melon mambo. Kaisercraft stamp coloured with melon mambo and a Tombow marker. Tree die cut from Kaisercraft 'mint twist' collectibles.
On a Personal Note -
Really miss eggs and toast!
The eating plan is now into its fourth week and I am into quite a routine. Never really conscious before about how often I was eating - sort of unconscious situational consumption. Now I am being really structured. Still don't totally trust myself in social settings so have been sort of avoiding them. Also not going to football as don't feel strong enough yet to resist the urge to eat 'footy' food. Very weak when it comes to resisting food habits!!!
Have not dared to weigh myself yet. Terrified I will be disappointed and go on a 'bender' (food - not alcohol!).
The weather is warming up and jasmine can't be too far away. Love. love the scent of jasmine and Elicheer jonquils. Also love the pastel fragility of poppies. Spring - mmmm. Warm, balmy days and the joys of al fresco dining. The birds have really upped the ante with chirping and are starting about 4.30am these days. I find quiet joy in waking up to that sound.
Hope the world is treating you well.
Happy Crafting!